

Reflecting the Words of Italian Genealogy

When people speak of genealogy they refer to the history of their family. Genealogy is basically the search for the forgotten truth about their ancestors.

According to the origin of the word, the term genealogy is derived from the Greek word genea, which refers to generation or descent.

Hence, it is vital for a genealogist to familiarize himself from the genealogical words of a certain language.

The reason here is simple. If you are conducting your search on genealogy and you have to conduct the research into a place which language seems strange to you, you would probably find yourself helpless to do the necessary moves to complete your search.

Your search will be definitely be suspended if you will not be able to comprehend the documents in your hands. And it is certainly a big mistake to waste the documents or worse misinterpret them.

Therefore, it is vital to know the usual genealogy terms of certain language.

The Italian language is one of the romantic languages in Europe that originated from Latin. This language is likewise used in some places of Yugoslavia as well as Switzerland.

If ever you are about to track a genealogy document inscribed in Italian language, the one thing that you need to know are the basics of Italian language. These basics will serve as your keywords.

Believe  family tree maker free online  or not, though you neither can read nor speak the Italian language, you can possibly understand the Italian documents on genealogy with the use of these keywords.

These keywords are simply the Italian root words. Through this you will not exert too much effort anymore in comprehending and utilizing the genealogical documents written in Italian language.

So what are these genealogy terms? These include the record types, dates, family relationships, and family events.

Meanwhile the following will be the basics of Italian language:

As what have been mentioned, the first thing to know about the language is the root words because these will unveil the denotation of the word.

Take note that the Italian words consist of masculine and feminine categories. This is identified on the ending of the word. The ending of the word may also indicate singular or plural. Likewise, will help you distinguish whether it is in past, present or future tense.

The nouns in Italian have gender, both in persons and things. Usually, nouns that ends with -a refer to female, while the nouns that ends in �o are male. Example of feminine word is chiesa (church), and cimiterio (cemetery) in masculine.

Meanwhile, nouns that end in �e may pertain to both masculine and feminine. Like for instance padre, father, and madre, mother.

On the other hand, in distinguishing the plural from singular you just have to notice the last vowel of the word. Plural nouns are formed by changing the nouns that end with �o or �e to �i. While the nouns that end with �a  is altered with an �e to form a plural term.

To look for the list of words concerning the Italian genealogical term, you can just simply browse the Internet.